Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A little tid bit

Okay, so, I realize that I have been horrible at blogging lately, but its cause too much is going on! I actually have A LOT to blog about right now.....i.e. trips to Vancouver/Seattle/Osoyoos, our first anniversary, etc, but there is just NO time. I am going to give it a shot tonight cause I have a couple hours for the first time in weeks. Not making any promises though. The biggest reason I like to blog is that it acts as a journal of sorts for me, because lets face it, no matter how many times I have attempted to keep a journal, each time I fall flat on my face with failure. So this blog is my journal.........note to self: I need to keep it updated!

Okay with that said, I thought I would just post a quickie since that is easy to do. My Mom is hosting a baby shower for a lady she works with and I made the invite for her and thought it turned out pretty good, so thought to myself, what the heck, post it.

Ther' she blows. Anywho, got to get back to life. Until next time,

Leah :)

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